Saturday, July 4, 2015

Khaleej Times Clips

                One of the videos that our facilitator, Mr. Randy S. Gamboa showed us is a story of a mother and her daughter who made a simple innovation. The video shows how a mother taught her daughter to be independent and solve problems in her own way. It also shows how being resourcefulness and being gumptious can help you in your life no matter how hard life is especially when you do not have any wealth. So, our facilitator, Mr. Randy S. Gamboa wanted us to make a reflection out of it with a minimum of 5000 words along with the other videos he showed to us, so here it is. Let us start on how the video went, so that those who haven’t seen the video will have an idea what happened.

                The video started with a scene where a mother and her daughter were sitting next to each other while the mother is peeling mangoes. The daughter’s name is Achara Poonsawat. Achara tried to peel a pineapple but she failed. Her mother watched her, and saw Achara kept on trying. She eventually helped Achara and taught her how to peel and slice the pineapple properly. Then one day her mother made a pineapple ice cream for Achara after she saw her staring at some kids eating ice creams. The pineapple ice cream was actually a simple pineapple cut into rectangular pieces and placed inside a cooler full of ice overnight. When they were having a moment talking to each other, Achara suggested that they should sell it. Achara’s mother thought that it was a good idea, so she tasked Achara to sell it. But Achara was a having a difficult time getting the pineapple ice creams sold. After a day of wandering, selling those ice creams, Achara failed to sold even one pineapple ice cream. Sad and curious, Achara asked her mother how come the people are not buying her pineapple ice cream. Her mother gave her an advice. She told Achara to go to the market and observe how the vendors sell their products. Achara went to the market saw how the vendors would do bargain. She now has an idea how to sell the pineapple ice creams. She draw a signage of her product and pasted it on the cooler. She wanders the market and sell the pineapple ice creams 1 for 5 bath and 3 for 10 baht. Eventually, the people noticed her and began buying her product. Until he gained lots and lots of customers. Now she was able to have a bike to help her sell her ice creams with convenience. Then the following scenes are just a montage of Achara selling the pineapple ice creams with her mother watching her from afar. Her mother narrated and told that she was happy seeing Achara learning from experience, and she won’t be worried if she will be gone someday cause Achara knows how to work her way out from problems.

                The video moved me. As I watched the video, I was carried away by the story. I felt very happy for them. They were living in a hard life, but it was not a problem to them cause they know how to work things out. They were very resourceful. I was so moved that I did a research about Achara Poonsawat’s life. I managed to find a result from AIS’s website, Sarnrak. There, I found out her full story. Achara grew up without a father since she was young. She always look up to her mother as a role model. Watching her mother’s struggling experience gave her valuable lessons. She learned how to work hard, because of her mother. Her mother had never been in school, but she teaches Achara. Selling fresh fruits in a trolley as their way of living. She was raised to be tough.

                Their story was also the story of every other people in the world. This world is housing seven billion people, and a large fraction of that number lives in poverty, or living in a life that is non-luxurious and non-wealthy type of life. There are lots of them here in the Philippines. We can see it every day in our daily lives. We may even be a part of them. Well, as long as you are not as rich as hell. Living is a very difficult thing to do. Especially when life gives you more weight to carry, it is indeed very difficult. It is like life is crushing you with its thumb like an ant. But even if many people lived in that kind of life, there still those who managed to get out and changed their lives and made it better. Since I lived in a kind of life that is different from Achara, I cannot give you a definite reflection of her story using my own experience. But, I knew someone who had the same story as her. It is my Mom. My Mom always tell us they were very poor when she was little. They usually go to the back of restaurants and ask for the bones, so that they can have something to eat for dinner. She told us that whenever they have nothing as a side dish, they use rock salt and damp it on the rice, and add a little oil to it, and she claims that it was very tasty. My Mom was not dependent to my grandmother. She solves her problems and find solutions in her own way. She never asked anything from grandma, she looks for a way to provide her needs.  She said that to provide her own needs, she sells newspaper and vegetables at the market just to have a baon. She kept on working hard until she graduated college and got a degree on Accountancy. After she graduated, she managed to get a job in Depart of Public Works and Highways. She worked there for a couple of years, then she quitted and applied at the Philippine Postal Corporation as a Postal Clerk. She has been working as a postal clerk for 20 years. We are not rich, we are a normal family who have enough to feed ourselves three times a day. We have no luxurious life, but if you would compare my mother’s life before she got a job versus her life now, it is no doubt that her life right now is a hundred times much better than it was.

                Achara’s life was very different from mine. Even though we are not rich, we still grew up in a very different way. I grew up with ease, with no hassle. Achara grew up solving problem with her own and she had her eyes opened, seeing how difficult it is to live. Now, my story goes like this. I was born on Oct. 26, 1995. I grew up with mother and father, unlike Achara, she grew up without having a father. I grew up waking every morning with food on the table. I grew up having lunch with food on the table, I grew up having dinner with food on the table. And by saying “food on the table”, I mean of a plate with rice on it and a viand on the side. My mom serves us, she does everything for us. I did not grow up experiencing how hard living is. Whenever I need money, I just ask my parents, and they will hand me money, but Achara was not like me. Whenever she needs something, she will find for a solution, she would work hard for it. My mother is Postal Clerk, hers was a fruit vendor. I go to school with plenty of baon, she does not (sort of). Even though that I grew up in a life much better than Achara, I feel bad about myself because if you can read I what I just wrote, it clearly shows you how dependent I am to my parents. But, Achara can do things on her own. That makes her a lot better than me. Even now that I am in college, I still depend on my parents. I depend on them because there is nothing that I can do. I could not find a job that would complement on my schedules I know that it sounds very weird. A young adult who is still dependent on his parents. You might be thinking what would my future be like when I’m all alone. Well, I’ve been thinking about it since a very long long time. I have thought about when the day comes that I will be on my own at this age without my parents, I would probably be dead. Since I was a child, I was not encouraged to work, even when I became a high school student. My parents would always tell me that I’m too young to work. Let’s pause for a minute, I would like to clarify something. I do not have an experience when it comes working on a job, but I do the chores, I have technical skills that are pretty helpful. The thing is that, I haven’t been given the chance to show it outside our house. So, back the topic. I thought that it would be very difficult for me if I am all alone. I do not know to whom can I seek for help. Even if I managed to get a job, it will be hard for me since I have a social anxiety problem, I find it hard to deal with people around me.

                But after watching the video, it made me looked up to Achara and made her as my new role model, not that I am replacing my old role models which are my parents and those people who influenced me, I am adding her to my list of role models. Knowing her story inspires me, watching her at her young age motivates me to become like her. I want to be as strategic like her. I want to be as resourceful as her. I want to sort things out on my own. Though I haven’t been dependent to my parents for the last 3 years, but still it is not enough to call myself as an independent person. Actually, for the last three years, I applied for many jobs during the summer vacation so, that I can have my own income and I should no longer ask from my parents. But it was so bitter, every time whenever I apply for a job, I always reach the final interview, then would tell me that I should wait for their message if I was hired or not. Well suddenly, not even a single message came into my inbox. It has been always like that. I always end up being hired on a 10-day summer job. Well, it is much better than having no job at all. I know that the salary from those kind of jobs is not enough. So, what I do is to keep them until I can a new job, and keep my salaries until the school year starts. In that way, I could pay for the down payment, and all that is left will be my baon. Now, I have something new in me, and innovation that could help me find money. Not actually a huge amount of money and not as often though, but it still enough to act as my baon. I am now open for commissions on drawing people. I could use this new skill of mine to seek money in a small way. Well, I want to share how I got into drawing before I tell how will I make money from this, and make myself independent like Achara. My drawing career started like this. love to draw when I was a child, at that time I thought that my drawing skills are enough to impress people around me. I was blessed with awards related to drawing back then. When I was on Grade 4, I stopped from drawing cause I was influenced by my classmates to play games on internet. When I was in high school (after a long halt from drawing), I find it difficult to draw. I was so disappointed and I decided to stop drawing and carry on with my teenage life doing teenage stuff. Many years later (literally!). I saw one of my classmate’s portrait drawing when we were on our Second Year on college, I was so amazed by his drawing. Later on, I decided to go back to drawing. I wielded the pencil (which was Mongol 2) on my right hand, trying to wear that confidence that I had back when I used to draw. I tried to draw one of my favorite character (Scorpion from Mortal Kombat) in the most realistic way that I can, and voila! When I was done, I was so happy to see my drawing. Knowing that it is far from what I really wanted it to become, I know that I have to practice hard. I drew every reference that I could think of. I drew and drew to achieve realism. Every drawing that I have been done, puts a smile on my face. It was July 9, 2014 when I was added in to the group Guhit Punas - Davao that later would become my family. I was stunned, shocked and awed when I saw the members’ contributions. At that moment I felt like I was so tiny compared to them. So tiny, that an electron microscope couldn’t even see. I was a bit of discouraged seeing those artworks from the “Mamaws”, I felt I like I don’t belong here. But I didn’t let it fully get in to my head. I kept drawing, asking tips and advices from the “Mamaws”. Befriended everyone in the group. I watch every possible tutorials out there, I strived to become worthy of being a member of Guhit Pinas – Davao. After 3 months, I have seen my improvements. Now, it has been almost a year since I’ve become a member of this group. I was so very happy. I never thought that I would last in this group (which I sucked at other groups. Every time I join a group, I would not last long.). This group became my second family. This group contains a vast amount of talented people with golden hearts and cheerful souls. And as a member of the group, I observed each individual’s activity. I observed that some of them do commissions. I was thinking that it is a very good source of income, a good part time job. But, I was afraid to do it before since I know that I sucked. I learned that an 8.5” x 11” portrait could cost around 200 to 500 pesos depending how good the drawing is. The larger the size of the drawing is, the more expensive it is. With this, a single commission could sustain my daily needs for a short period of time whenever the day will come that I will be on my own. Judging by my capacity, I can finish a drawing with in just 2 to 3 hours. So, it will not be a problem for me to accept a lot of commissions. Although, I know that is not a sufficient way to keep myself alive, but still it is an example of me being strategic in finding money.

         In order to see myself becoming Achara, let’s have a situation where I am helpless as hell. I have nothing with me. I have a little amount of money, and I don’t have a job. I am only living alone in our house, the bills are mine to carry. It really frustrating to think of it, but if you succumb into that thought, you would not find a way to solve the problems you are carrying. So, back to the topic. I have nothing. All that is left with me are my PC, a little amount of money, my drawing materials that is consisted of sketchpad, pencils, vellum boards, ballpens. And many to mention. I would start solving my problems on spending my remaining money to find a job. I am a computer literate person, and I know a lot of things when it comes to computers. But in this case, I cannot find a job where I can use my computer knowledge, since I have not graduated yet. Working on a call center company is the closest thing I can afford to do. I would first apply for a position that is related to my knowledge of computers. In that case, it is the position of a TSR or Technical Service Representative is the closest thing (well, sort of). I will start humbly. I will work eagerly and I will work until I can earn enough money. When the time comes that I have earned enough, I will buy those materials that I need to help me with my drawings. I will start a business. A portrait-making business. But I know that it will be tough for me when I am still working. In that case, I will renew my contract as long as I have put up everything in place. Then, I will start my portrait-making business as a sideline, I will observe if it will be a good thing. Since I am capable of my drawing quality, I will put a price on 300 per 9” x 12” drawing, with only a single subject. It will be an additional 150 pesos if there are another person in the reference picture. Example, the client would hand me a picture of him, that would be 300 pesos. Now, if the client would hand me a picture of him with a friend, then that would be 450 pesos instead of 600 pesos. Now that is called bargaining. Just like what Achara Poonsawat and the vendors did in the video. With that kind of deal, it will attract the customers even more. Giving the customers a great deal and a great value will make increase the chance of my business viral. Nut, setting those optimistic thoughts aside, it is undeniable that one day my portrait-making business will fade. That’s why having only one part-time job is not a good thing. In my case, I already have a second part-time job. Well, this involves my computer literacy skills. Well, that includes encoding data and other stuff, but I am not only a normal computer literate person. I know how to edit photos and videos. Yes, I am a multimedia artist. But before I will explain how will this skill would help me, I will share to you first how I fell in love with multimedia. As far as my memory serves me well, I was only a grade 6 student when I was introduced to multimedia editing. When our family bought a desktop computer, there was nothing really in it. It was so empty as hell. Since I was born curious, I managed to surf the internet. I saw a lot of things, even different cultures and norms brought by people from where they are into the internet. But one thing that bugs me is that, how do people create animation. At that time, when I was on grade 4 to 6, the internet era is getting bigger and bigger. And as a kid, I usually hang out in internet cafes. And I noticed that almost all the customers, most of them are kids who has the same age as me are watching animations. I can remember the first animation on the internet I saw was a stick figure animation, and it was a very violent one. I learned that that animation came from a website called “Newgrounds”. That website is a community where flash creators are hanging out together and upload their works. At that time, Newgrounds was very famous, and Newgrounds has a lot of animations. A LOT! Lately, I learned that those kind of animations are called flash animations. Every time I visit Newgrounds, it would took me an hour or two just to get off that website because it has a lot of animations to watch. They have all genres of flash animation. From action, drama, comedy, horror, etc. And they even had an adult genre. Most of all, Newgrounds, is not only full of flash animations, but it is also full of flash games. That is why Newgrounds is over the top at that time. Now, one day, I thought of something. I asked myself; “How did these people create flash animation?” I was so curious that I searched for the answer. Upon searching I found the answer, but I was disappointed because I never got the tools that are needed to make one, but still I know the process. Later on, my brother installed something on our computer, I asked him what it was. He told me that it was Photoshop. My ears ringed as I recall that one of the softwares need to create a flash animation is Photoshop. My brother showed me how Photoshop works and what are its capabilities. I was stunned, I realized that I can use Photoshop for other purposes. That’s why I studied how to use Photoshop and watch tutorials online. I was able to harness photo manipulation when I was on 2nd year high school. At that time, I was being hired by my classmates to edit pictures for them, and I am glad to accept their request. Whenever I am done with their requests, they would pay me. Then when I became 4th year high school, I studied how to edit videos. I focused on visual effects. And that moment, I have dreamt of being a director. After months of learning, the same thing happened again. My friends would hire me to edit their videos for their video presentation and they would pay me in exchange. And I am glad to accept their offer. Photo and video editing became my sideline when I was 4th year high school and until now. A lot of people hired me to edit their videos, because a friend of mine referred me. And that became a chain. A lot of people keeps on referring me when it comes to video editing. That’s why whenever I woke up, my there will be a message on my phone from a student who is from another school saying that a guy or a friend of mine referred me to them, and asking me if I can edit their video and they would ask how much would it cost. And my answer will be “It depends how long the video will be”. Money was not a problem for me at that time. But that didn’t went good. I stopped accepting offers when I became a 2nd year college. The schedules were too hectic, I had no time to edit. I made my studies as my top priority. Now back to where we left. Making photo and video as my second part-time is good thing, but the only problem is it will conflict with my other job such as the drawings. Well, that would be very unlikely to happen because, drawing commissions are very rare unlike requests for video and photo editing. There are very few people would want their faces to be drawn on a piece of paper, but there are lots of students who are seeking for someone to edit their videos for their video presentation. I know that video and photo editing now is very easy to learn, but there still those people who will choose someone to do something for them. There are lots of students who are unable to do their video presentation because they a lot of things to do, that is why they look for those people like us and just pay them how much is the price. Another thing that would help me seek money is that I know how to assemble a personal computer or PC. I know how to format, I know how to remove viruses, I know how diagnosed a unit to determine its problem. See?  I just made an Achara Poonsawat out of me. I thought I am a no hope kind of guy that will be left alone to die. This video helped me realized my skills and potentials. I just realized now while I was typing that maybe it is not that worse that it could be whenever comes a day that I will be alone.

          Okay, let’s focus more on the video, and the message it convey to the viewers. The thing in this video that got me is the innovation of their product. They call it “Pineapple Ice Cream”, which I failed to see it as an ice cream. For me it is a simple pineapple which is cooled in a chiller. But for them, that thing they called “Pineapple Ice Cream” is a table-turning innovation. By discovering that innovation, Achara stepped up and worked on her own. That innovation changed their lives drastically. We saw how very impecunious they are. We see how her mother worked hard as a fruit vendor. Then, one day Achara decided to help her mother by selling those pineapple ice cream. The way that I see this is that poverty leads to innovation, which is true most of the time. Poverty makes people to strive very hard in order just survive, and being pumped up and fueled with determination, people can produce an idea that is so unique. In their case, that innovation made Achara learned all the thing had to learn through experience. She was educated through experience and not by teaching. And this type of scenario is very common to those people who are struck by poverty. They need to educate themselves by learning the things around them works just by themselves. There are a lot of people you can see who experienced the same way. Most of the vendors at the market did not finish their studies, but they need to work just to keep themselves alive. They started working at the market at very young age until they grew old now knowing all the tricks and the secrets just to sustain their daily lives. As what Frank McCourt said, and I quote; “You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.” It implies that even if you have nothing. You still have your mind. Your mind is the most powerful weapon you have. People would say that “If you have a brain, you would be dangerous”, and that is right. Those people who I am referring that they did not finish their studies have used their brains to survive. They knew that they should find a way to battle the hardships given by life despite they have nothing. Aristotle once said; “Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.”  Partly yes, and partly no. Poverty indeed crushes you like a cracker into a pulp, leaving you weak and helpless unless you do something about it. Some people are tempted to do the bad way. They would rob the others so they will gain something. Thus, that is why people had the impression of the poor is always related to crime. But, come to think about it, not all people that are poverty-stricken are guilty of crime. There are people who were born from poverty who learned how to value life the most and sees how the world turns around beautifully even if they have nothing, hence the saying; “The poor people are often the most generous”. It is true. They know what it is like to have nothing, so they try to help other in a way they can. And the part where Aristotle said the Poverty is the parent of revolution. Yes, it is also true. Imagine a dictator running a country. A very selfish dictator which caused his country to enter poverty. People will perform a revolution as an attempt to overthrow the dictator. But, I see this in a different way. People who live in poverty seeks an escape from where they are currently, they seek change. That is why their minds are going into a protest, their minds are going into revolution, that’s why many of them managed to free themselves from poverty or at least found a way to survive. They did it by having their minds a revolutionary way of thinking, minds that are producing revolutionary idea. Just like what Achara’s mother did. She wanted to give her daughter an ice cream, but she can’t since she doesn’t have enough money. That’s why she thought of another way to give her daughter something that would level or top an ice cream, and that is the pineapple ice cream. It is the product of her revolutionary way of thinking. A revolutionary idea that soon helped Achara mold herself.

                Poverty made a lot of children become strong and wise in the battles they are facing every day. Molding them into a working machine, molding their minds into an eager, goal-oriented central processing unit. Because poverty is a curse, and only hard work is the solution to this, with your brains and wits are your weapons. Just like Shia Labeouf said on his video; “Some people dream of success, while you’re going to wake up and work hard at it.” This is pretty damn true. People dream of success, they want to get out of impecuniosity. But, the sad thing is that they only “dream” about it. They are not doing anything to achieve that dream, they are not chasing that dream they are dreaming about. While those people who are sick of being poor and broke would work their fingers to the bones just to lift their status. I know getting out of poverty/impecuniosity is very very hard. Some people are stuck forever on trying. But, trying without determination and eagerness is an effort wasted. Now a lot of people would think how the hell they can get out from where they are if they are stuck. Well, your imagination is your limit. Do not be afraid of failed attempts and rejections, they are part of it. Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba got rejected 30 times, but now he is very successful. If you are caught in the middle, thinking what to do, just think of seeing yourself 10 years from now. If that scares you, then you should start working your way out of that deep pit of poverty. Just remember what Shia Labeouf would tell you. “JUST DO IT!”

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