Thursday, October 15, 2015

FTS Meeting 4

On this meeting, we we’re told that we will be having an Intrapersonal Skill Seminar. The purpose of it was to enhance, improve, harness and mold our bond with our fellow Field Trip and Seminar Classmates. We were also shown the possible itinerary and the cost of the trip.

FTS Meeting 3

It was the moment that we had been waiting for. The announcement of what FTS model won. It turned out that the Model A had won. Many of us were happy and excited because it would their(some of them) first time to board on a plane.

FTS Meeting 2

The second meeting was all about choosing the venues and companies we will visit. There are lots of companies on the list, but the officers told us to choose seven “7” companies only. We are grouped so that we can come up with different set of answers. The answers were mixed, but the officers took those venues/companies that the groups had in common. The officers also showed us the “tentative” expenses of the trip.

FTS Meeting 1

It was in the month of February when we held our first meeting of our Field Trip and Seminar. If my mind is not playing tricks on me right now, the meeting was held at the Institute of Computing Laboratory 2 wherein all of the Institute of Computing’s students who are qualified to join the Field Trip and Seminar was present. Ms. Yu, the former FTS president explained to us what are the upcoming events and what we should expect. She also shared how their Field and Seminar went. And we are also introduced to the different Models of the Field Trip and Seminar.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Seminar Overview

                Five days being away from home, I thought I it too much for me to handle, but it seems not. Our Field trip and Seminar or also known as “FTS” was the greatest thing that ever happened in my college life so far. We already know about this subject before we actually had it. We are told by our seniors about this subject. They told us how fun and exciting this subject can get. We are fascinated by their stories, and that made us very excited about this. But one thing that bothered me was the price that I’m gonna pay for enrolling this subject. This subject costs 21 thousand pesos. Well, that is only if we would pick the Model A. Me, and some of my friends decided to choose Model C, so that we can pay less, but we lost over the number of student who voted Model A. Before we got into action, we were tasked to do two reflections. First, a reflection about which FTS Model we prefer, and second, what we are expecting on our first/second flight. We are successful to comply it, and it took a month before we can finally have our FTS. We also had a lot of meetings for updates on our FTS, and we even had a seminar with our parents regarding our FTS.

                It was September 7, 2015 when we are finally at the Davao International Airport, waiting for our flight. Hours after that, we arrived at the Ninoy Aquino Internation Airport 4, and after that we went into our respected buses and started our journey. Within the span of 5 days, we went into different places, companies and we learned a lot. It was an honor for me to step on the buildings of ginormous companies. Five days’ worth of travelling was not bad, because we had the best tour guide, kuya Karlo/Carlo. He was so energetic and entertaining. He fed us with lots and lots of knowledge and trivia.

                This trip was made possible by my mother’s hard work and those who sponsored me. If it weren’t for them, I would be able to attend this seminar. I was so grateful by their help, and I already thanked them. But, words are not enough. So, I’m trying my nest to graduate and repay them, especially my mother.
Day 1
                Today, I went on the Department of Science and Technology located at Bicutan, Taguig. It was the first company that we ever visited right after we had our breakfast. Not to mention that it was our first time to visit there. During the trip on the road to DOST, our tour guide, Kuya Karlo/Carlo told us that DOST is under the government, thus shouldn’t have an over the top expectations of its facilities. When we arrived at the location, what Kuya Karlo/Carlo told us about DOST was right. It was like a huge compound with lots of buildings, and most of the buildings “looks” abandoned. I don’t what’s the real deal about so, I’m just saying that it “looks” like abandoned.  We went inside the conference room, and we are welcomed by the people there. They taught us about the Project Noah, and I was so impressed about it. They showed us their map that would map out the areas that will be affected in case of a flood situation.

                After that, we had our lunch at Kenny Roger’s at Katipunan, Quezon City. We filled our stomachs so we can be ready for the next company.

                The next company that we visited was the Social Security System or also known as SSS, located at East Avenue, Quezon City where the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’s printing and minting branch can be also located. We sat there at the SSS’s conference hall and listen to the speakers. They told us about SSS, and the way how it works.
                We were so exhausted at that time that wanted to head straight to Kabayan Hotel, and rest. But, there’s still one thing we have to do. Malling. We went to Trinoma, and did our malling there. I did not buy any gifts since it was very to do so. So, I just bought a bottle of water and some snacks.

                After our malling, we headed to a restaurant named Tramway. But before that, we passed by the famous Big Brother house. Unfortunately, we were not able to go out and take a picture of up close because we are out of time. We arrived at Tramway and had our dinner there. We ate a lot so much due to the fact that we are starving after a day of travelling.

                The best thing happened right after we had our dinner. It was because we were finally able to take a rest at the Kabayan Hotel. When we arrived at the hotel, we were held for a moment for the room assignments. After that, we happily went to our respected rooms and took a rest.

What I learned?
                I learned a lot of stuff about Project NOAH. About how they started this to increase the peoples’ awareness about the possibilities of an upcoming calamity and to prevent future damage. I also learned that the creator/inventor of Project NOAH made his parents as inspiration. It is because that the creator’s parents are living in a rural area, and is prone to flood. I haven’t learned much from SSS, because I was too exhausted and I was so drowsy that I cannot even focus on listening. But, they haven’t really gave us something that is new to us.  

What I liked?

                Aside from the food(just kidding), what I liked that day was the seminar with the DOST speakers regarding about Project NOAH. As what I have said, I was impressed by Project NOAH. It promotes awareness about the possible calamities to come and to prevent large scale damage. I also liked our malling at the Trinoma mall. It was my first time to stroll there. I was amazed by the mall’s eco-friendly design.

What I didn’t like?

                There are few things that I did not like during the first day. First, I weird and stranged when we went to DOST. Just like what I said, the buildings looked like they were abandoned for a long time. It’s like everything there was left by time itself. The compound was like a ghost town. Then, another thing that I didn’t like was the seminar at SSS. Yes, I was drowsy and I had a hard time focusing, but I still listened. What they taught and told to us that day was nothing new to us. There are things that we already knew, those can be easily found on the internet.

Day 2
                Today, I went on IBM Philippines located at the AyalaTechno-Hub and Accenture Inc. located at Libis, Quezon City. We went first to visit the famous Luneta Park and took pictures of it before we head our way to IBM Philippines. Supposedly, our seminar would start at 10:30am, but when we got there, we waited for an hour because the speaker was late. We slept while we were, and Sir Gamboa took a stolen shot of us sleeping. After moments of waiting, we finally got into IBM’s building and started our seminar. Then after that, we headed to Accenture Inc. We had our lunch on the bus. It was such a real struggle for us to eat while the bus was moving.
                When we arrived there, we waited for moments just like we did earlier at IBM. So, we watched TV shows and took a nap until we were able to go inside. Accenture Inc.’s building is amazing. Their seminar hall has a pantry. Everything in that building looks awesome. After that, we went to Great Eastern Hotel to have our dinner and went to Kabayan Hotel after, but we experienced a 3-hour traffic on our way home. It was horrible.

What I learned?

                When we were at the IBM Phils. I learned a lot of things about Cloud Storage and its 3 different versions. I also learned more about IBM’s new technology Bluemix. I already knew it before we had our FTS, but my knowledge of it incremented. The speaker even showed us how easy to make a program now with Bluemix, and he showed us his inventions using Bluemix and it was pretty awesome. Then in Accenture Inc., I learned the purpose of their company, and I learned that Accenture Inc. is not only about BPOs.

What I liked?

                The thing that I liked this day was when the speaker showed us how to create a program that would allow the e-mail recipient to automatically reply the sender by just using nothing but Bluemix. No compilers were installed, everything was done on the browser.
What I didn’t like?

                It was the seminar or Accenture Inc. that I did not like. It was fine, but it was kind of “meh…”. What we did there was listen on what Accenture Inc. is and their origin. We even played a game there and we watched the application developed by two of their employees which is underwhelming for me.

Day 3
                Today, I went on the Philippine Youth Congress Information Technology or also known as the Y4IT event that was being held on the SMX Convention Center at SM Mall Of Asia. MOA is such a huge place and it is so cool. After that, we went to Tutuban to have or shopping.


What I learned?

                To be honest, I haven’t learned a lot this day, because I slept on some topics. But, I managed to learn more about Windows 10’s HoloLens. I already knew about this, but the seminar added informations about this. Then I learned that the internet here in the Philippines is guarded by a so-called “Gate-Keeper” that would monitor the browsing activity of the user and would interfere if necessary.

What I liked?

                What I liked about that day was the HoloLens topic and internet topic (capping, privacy, etc.). First of all, I liked the HoloLens topic even if I already knew it because it was something that I can relate. Then the internet part grabbed my interest. It gave me an additional knowledge about how the internet is manipulated here in the Philippines. I also learned that there is a plan to have WI-Fi connection in all bus stops here in the Philippines.

                The greatest thing that I like was the

What I didn’t like?

                The thing that did not like was the Y4IT event took so long to finish. A lot of us slept during the event and died out of boredom. But there was nothing in major that I did not like.

Day 4
                Today, I went on the MMDA Traffic Engineering Office located at EDSA, Makati. When we went there, I did not expect that their building is a narrow upward building. I was expecting that their building is huge. We are hoping that Mr. Tolentino was there, but he was not. We were in this room on the 3rd floor where there was this huge glass that overlooks the monitoring panels where you can see a huge monitor showing multiple live CCTV footages.
                Then we went to Tagaytay to have our sightseeing at the People’s Park in the sky. It was like a dream when I saw the Taal Volcano when we were having our lunch at Max’s. Going the People’s Park in the sky was a real struggle. It is really exhausting because it was an uphill walk, tho you can ride a jeepney. But it is worth the struggle when you reach the top. The view is too majestic for our eyes. After that, we went to the place where we were all excited to visit, Enchanted Kingdom. We were given a “ride-all-you-can” ticket and we tried all the rides there, even the extreme ones. It was the most epic experience in my life so far.      

What I learned?

                Well, I haven’t learned a lot in MMDA. They only showed us their huge monitor, and what I learned form that is that there are 4 phases of CCTVs shown on the monitor. Those phases are just referring to the age of CCTVs. In short in phase one you have those old CCTVs which if I remembered it correctly, those were the CCTVs from 2008. Then in phase four, you have those latest high-quality CCTVs.
                When we were heading our way to the People’s Park in the sky, Kuya Karlo told us the history of it. It was supposedly a property of our former first lady Imelda Marcos, and she wanted to build a mansion there. But when the People Power Revolution happened, and the Marcos’ were defeated, everything they owned were ceased from them, including the ones that we’re referring as the People’s Park in the sky.

What I liked?

                I liked the part where the MMDA showed us their huge monitor. You can see everything what’s happening. Also, I liked the part where the showed us a CCTV footage where an MMDA officer was caught extorting money from a man. They said that they were just showing a previous batch of students how their new CCTV works, and they filmed it coincidentally.
                And of course, I liked the part where we had our sightseeing in Tagaytay. The feeling was awesome. The views are majestic. It is like have escaped from the harsh reality. Especially when seeing the Taal Volcano, it felt like a dream come true. Then, the highlight of the day, the Enchanted Kingdom experience. It was the thing that I liked the most that day. It was a once in a lifetime experience that is why I liked it a lot.

What I didn’t like?

                There are nothing in major that I did not like this day. It was all amazing even if the seminar in MMDA was a little bit of boring.

Day 5
                Today, I went on the University of the Philippines Department of Computer Science , UP, Quezon City. And, we went on Resorts World Manila for our final malling before we go home.

What I learned?

                I learned that their campus is so huge and wide. It’s like 5 times bigger than our university. I was also amazed by their student’s thesis project, it was like they are out of my league. Their projects are way beyond my level. We had a tour around their campus and I learned what are the purpose of each room we went. If there’s one thing that I learned from them, then that is they are way smarter than me. It seems that I cannot compete with their IQ.

What I liked?

                I liked everything that day. The thought of you standing on the grounds of one of the most well-known universities was overwhelming. I liked the thought of strolling in their huge campus. And also, I liked how they welcomed us. And last but not the least, I am going to tell you that the thing that I liked the most that day was when we were strolling Resorts World Manila. The mall is so luxurious, you can smell the expensive stuffs in the air. It was a once in a lifetime experience to walk on its grounds.

What I didn’t like?

                The thing that I did not like was, I was hoping that we could enter some of their facilities in UP, but we were not allowed because the facilities were occupied at that time. That’s all.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Paper 3 (Team Building)

                Since the day of our Field Trip Seminar is drawing near, we are required to attend a seminar that would help develop our intrapersonal skills. We already knew about the seminar because we were told about it when we had our Field Trip and Seminar meeting. I mean we already knew about the seminar way too long ago. If my memory serves we well, we were told about it when we had our first meeting on our Field Trip and Seminar subject. Our president, Rhon Luiz Guarino told us the activities we will be doing before, during and after the Field Trip and Seminar, and one of them is having a seminar about developing intrapersonal skill. So, if you are wondering what an intrapersonal skill is, well, according to an answer on the website;, Intrapersonal Skill(s) is/are the foundations of a successful career. This is emotional intelligence, the ability to know, understand and manage your own emotions. So, yeah. We are about to attend on a seminar that will hone those skill(s). In the latest meeting we had in the Field Trip and Seminar subject, our president announced the date of our intrapersonal skill seminar, and he also announced that it will be a two-day event. The first day will be the day for the first batch, and the second day will be for the second the second batch (Well, it is pretty obvious). Then, he finally announced who are those student who will belong to the first batch and the second batch. Our president named the students for the first batch. I was, or should I say “we were” (referring to me and my barkada) hoping that we will be a part of the first batch, since it will be on a Monday, July 20, 2015. We wanted to be a part of the first batch because we do not have a class on Tuesday, so we thought about it that Tuesday will be our rest day. Free from various kind of school works as usual. But, unfortunately, none of our names were mentioned on the first batch, not even one. So, it was pretty obvious that we will be on the second batch. It sucks, but the best thing about it is that we are still together. So, it was 4 days before our seminar. I thought of what are the things that we are going to do on that day. I imagined that it will be a seminar where the speaker will talk and talk and talk, and I am not going to lie, it will be boring as hell. Since I really do not like seminars, except for those seminars that I am interested of. I also imagined that there will be an activity where our leadership skills will be tested. I had hopes that the seminar will “somehow” be fun.
                It was July 20, 2015 when the first batch had their seminar. Their seminar will start at eight, but early than that, we have our Programming 3 subject under Mr. Pabilona. I thought that how my classmate will be able to attend the seminar’s first hours if we have a class. But then, it turned out that we do not have a class that day and we just required to take the quiz which is a timed quiz for about 5 minutes. So, after that, my classmates that are part of the first batch proceeded to the Social Hall. It was still early, it was like 7:15am. Me and my barkada sat on the gazebo and had a little talk. When it was past 8am, we decided to go to the social hall and take a look at the first batch. We would like to know what in the world they were doing. But, when we arrived at the social hall, none of them were prepared, nor ready. I mean, when we went inside the social hall, there only a few students, the mics, speakers, etc. are being prepared. So, we were kind of disappointed cause we haven’t got a clue about what they are going to do. So, the day of our turn came. Unlike the first batch, we did not have our seminar at the Social Hall. We had our seminar on the University of Southeastern Philippines’ hostel, or we call it as the USEP Dormitory. We already knew that our seminar there, and it made very excited as hell because it was going to be my first time to get inside that establishment after four years of being here in USEP.  
                We went inside the university hostel/university dorm, and I was so amazed how awesome it was to be there. Inside, on the second floor was a conference room. Maybe it was built for some meetings or activities such as open cells and seminars. When we went inside the conference room, we were too early. There were only a few student at that time, our president was not even there yet. And the same thing as what we have saw on the social hall, they were still preparing the equipment. So, we sat on the chairs and waited for the others. Then a lady came in and asked us if we’re ready, or complete. And, as far as can I, it is pretty obvious that we were not yet ready nor complete. The lady told us that it was expected that there will be a number of forty students on that day. So, around 8:30 in the morning, our numbers increased, it seems like we are almost reaching the number of forty, so we started the seminar.
                We sat on the chairs that were arranged in a “U” shape. Well, yes we know that it was arranged in that way so we can see each other. So, the speaker / facilitator which I forgot what her name is, greeted us a good morning and congratulated us for our upcoming Field Trip, and she mentioned about the previous batch. We felt so light having a little chit chat before we got in to the main thing. Our facilitator/speaker asked us if what was our purpose why we attended the seminar. Many of us answered in chorus. I cannot even hear a proper sentence. The room was like a total enclosure where the echoes and murmurs of my fellow students bounced in every direction. Well, things got a little “funnier” when our speaker/facilitator slowly roamed and finally approached me to answer the question. I was caught off guard since I cannot give a definite answer to question. What I had in my mind is that, we were required to attend that seminar because it was a requirement for Field Trip. So, I answered her question with my mind still stunned saying “..because we are required to“. Everyone at the room laughed and even our facilitator / speaker was kind of shocked about my response. I was like: “Why are they laughing? Is there something funny from what I have said?”. After a couple of seconds, I finally got a hold of myself and I realized why the hell they were laughing and why our speaker / facilitator was shocked. Well, it was they thought that I was being sarcastic at that time. They thought that I was trying to be funny. But, actually I was not. I was not being sarcastic at that time nor trying to be funny. I just answered her question with complete innocence on my response, because that was the answer I knew why we are required to attend the seminar. And I must say this again. I had no intentions of making fun at that time. I was telling what I thought the answer really was.
After that we proceeded to the next activity (if I remember it correctly). The activity had us group ourselves into 8 members. We were calling out our “friends’ / barkada’s” name to join, but then our facilitator told us the it would be easier to form the group if the members are just the students who are sitting next to each other. I mean, if you are confused about what I am saying, I will explain it. Example, I am the first student on the first chair, then my group mates will be those seven students sitting next to me. So, after we had our group settled, we formed into circle and we were given a manila paper, a pentel pen / marker. We are tasked to do a sharing with the group. We are tasked to share our own answers on these questions; “What do you expect from this seminar?” and “What can you contribute to the others?”, and after that we would weigh in the answers and write it on the manila paper. After that, our facilitator / speaker showed us an images of smileys with facial expressions implying their emotions / feelings on the projector screen. The purpose of that is for us to pick one of the smileys that would describe our group. Everyone in the group participated in the activity and we got the activity done at ease. After that, every group had a representative to explain what was written on the manila paper. The next activity was we were grouped by having our selves count from 1 to (I forgot what number). I was number 4, so I went and sat where the students who are also number 4. We were given a paper individually with a drawing of a tree and there are lots of people on the tree doing various things. We were tasked to encircle the person that describes ourselves. I encircled the person who was some kind of chilling on the tree. Seemingly not giving a care of what was happening around, as if he is at peace. I chose that because it symbolizes how chill and compose I am even if the things are rough on me. As if like I do not care at all, or in short just going with the flow. Well, that is what you can see base on the drawing, but I added that, even if I am like that, deep inside me, I am still worried and trying to figure out things. And what made it wonderful is that, majority of the members of our group chose the same person and had the same or almost the same reason as mine. After that, we took a break that lasted for 30 minutes. We were given one bread and one C2 mini. And what made the break fun was the ice breaker in the form of Skeleton Dance. Our facilitator showed a video of a group of cartoon skeletons dancing to the rhythm of a catchy children’s music. We were required to stand up and mimic the skeleton dance. It was so fun that I did not even dance because I was so shy to dance. What I did was standing up and laugh at them looking silly.
The next activity we had was to draw our dining table and draw the family members in their respective position. We were given a bond paper and lots and lots of crayons. Everyone grabbed as many crayons they can and sat on the floor drawing. They looked like they became kinder again. A lot of them drew the table on top view, well I had a different idea. I grabbed crayons that are analogous to each other and as well as their complementary. I drew a 3d sphere. Yes, I drew a 3d drawing using crayons and symbolized it as our table. Too bad I was not able to finish drawing it because I was short of time. I only drew the family members as fast as I can. My drawing was supposed to be the family members are revolving around the sphere. My explanation is that I symbolized the table as a sphere because we revolve around it. The time for sharing about the drawing came. Only three people were chosen to explain their drawings. Among them was our classmate, Junalyn Bantilan. I admit, she was one of our classmates that we like to bully(Not the kind of bully that is so harsh, or too rude. Just more like a tease). But the emotion of the room changed when she shared her explanation, and also her image to us (the bullies). She cried because she does not have a family of her own (sort of). She is living with her uncle along with her uncle’s children, her cousins obviously. Her uncle adopted her and took care of her while she was growing up after her father abandoned them with her mother. One thing that amazed me was she mentioned that it is not her uncle by blood, or biological uncle. Her aunt (the husband of her uncle which took care of her) was the one who she has a biological relation, but her uncle did all the things and provided all the things that she needs. From there on, I felt pity for her. It is very unlikely of her to have such sad life while everyone that knows her think of her as a funny and worriless person. That time, I realized how strong of a person she is. After that we had another 30-minute break and ate the same food again. But this time, another ice breaker was commenced and we danced the Animal Dance.
We then proceeded to the last activity. I really forgot the purpose of that activity, but I remember that we were grouped into the original 8 members. Then we had our representatives to pick a paper from our facilitator’s hand. That paper would determine the thing that we should do. Our group got the “Skit” paper. Along with “Skit” paper are the “Singing”, “Rapping”, “Commercial” and “Dancing”. We thought about the concept of our skit. We chose to do a skit that depicts the life of a student that is being under a teacher who loves to discipline student. Showing his social life before he was under that teacher, and how he lose it. It was one of my embarrassing moment in my entire life because I portrayed a woman. So I did everything to act like one. People are laughing at me, seems like I cannot handle it. Some of the presentations from the other groups are also entertaining. But if you would ask me what group stood out the most. Then it was the group of Rondie Labra did an awesome thing. They got the “Rapping” paper. They came up with a really great rap music within less than an hour. Each of them has an individual rap, and their beat is so damn catchy.
We’ve got everything wrapped up after the last activity. But before we could leave, there was a last thing that we must do. After the prayer, we formed into a “U” shape while standing. We were given a piece of paper and a candle. We are required to complete the sentences. “I promise to….”, “I will start to….” and “I will keep on….”. This was the “My Commitment” activity. After we wrote what’s on our minds. The lights were shut and the candles were lit. The mic is passed by the current student after sharing his “My Commitment” to next student, so on and so forth. After that, we held hands and sang the “Lead Me Lord” song.

It was indeed a fun and great day. Such a big opposite to what I initially thought that it is going to be a boring seminar. But, fortunately I was wrong. The seminar was fun. I had a great moment with my classmates and those who are not my classmates.        

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Paper 2: What I expect from my "next" plane ride

Greetings! I am Marijune M. Alejo, 3rd year Bachelor of Science and Information Technology or BSIT. Actually, it is my 4th year of existence here in the University of Southeastern Philippines or also known as USEP located at Bo. Obrero St, Davao City. The reason behind why I am still a 3rd year student is that I am an irregular student. There are lots of subject are still left behind cause we did not take care of it when we had the time. Well, so much for that. I am currently making this reflection. A reflection which requires us to write at least two thousand words. Well, our facilitator, Mr. Randy S. Gamboa tasked us to write a reflection about what do we expect from first or our plane ride. This is for our Field Trip and Seminar or abbreviated as FTS. We are required to write a two thousand word reflection about this. Two pretty thousand words about our expectations from our first or next plane ride. Well, not first for me. Probably for some. And now, I must do everything and anything just for this reflection to reach a two thousand words. I bet you can notice it by looking at the quantitative words. Instead of typing down “2000”, I type it as “two thousand” for the program to include it in its word count. You can also notice that it took so long for this introduction to end. Well, I guess that is pretty normal. I saw several autobiography and prints that has a long introduction. There are some that consumes two pages. Right now, the words that I am writing are free flowing on my mind, so what comes out of my mind, I instantly type it. I am not afraid that I will run out of words when I come to the part of sharing my expectations about the plane. I can assure you that I can give a lot of words about it, since it is not my first time to board on a plane. So, enough for this intro, and let us get in to action. Let us cut to the chase. No more playing games or running around the mulberry bush. No more hippidy hooblas. Let us jump in to the two thousand-word battle that I am about to conquer. We are now going to tackle about my reflection about my “next” plane ride.  

I just got enrolled in this subject this semester because, I just recently became a 3rd yr. standing student, which is the requirement to enroll in this subject. At first, I had a dilemma whether to enroll this subject or not. It took me a long period of time thinking about it. But last school year, our seniors had a Field Trip and Seminar. They shared with us their experience. They told us that we will be given the opportunity to choose from different models of the field trip. They told us how fun it is even if it is a journey. They told us that right after you will land the airport, you will immediately go to the first company on your list, giving you no time for preparation. Then after that, you will proceed to next company, then to next, and next. It is a continuous visit from one company to another. Then, you will go to your hotel to sleep, and wake up so early in the morning and start your day by visiting another company, then rest of the day will be the same as yesterday.

So, before we get into the main point, where it is about the plane ride, well also tackle about the models. I mean the Field Trip and Seminar models. Actually, it was tackled previously on the previous reflection. A reflection about what is our preferred Field Trip and Seminar Model. There I made a reflection of it, and I wrote there the different kinds of Field Trip Seminar Models and the model I chose. Okay, there were three different kinds of models. The models are Model A, Model B, and Model C. You can see below what are the features of each models.

Model A = 1 Major Fieldtrip (outside Mindanao) + 1 minor fieldtrip (Mindanao) + 1 Seminar (National) + 2hrs. Interpersonal skills
Model B = 1 Major Fieldtrip (outside Mindanao) + 2 minor fieldtrip (Mindanao) + 2 Seminars (8hrs) (Mindanao) + 2hrs. Interpersonal Skills
Model C = 3 Minor Fieldtrips (Mindanao) + 4 seminars (16hrs) (Mindanao) + 2hrs. Interpersonal skills

Well, I actually or we (Me and my friends) actually chose Model C, because it is much cheaper. C’mon! Let us face it. The reason why we study here in the University of Southeastern Philippines is because the tuition here is affordable. Choosing Model A would make our parents’ wallets and pockets bleed. Unfortunately, there only few people who chose Model C and a lot of them/majority of them chose Model A. We cannot do anything but to change our preferred model from C to A, because we need to attend this. This is a required thing to graduate. We need to graduate so we need to go with the flow.

Okay, now we go to the main part of this reflection. The main topic that we are required to do a two thousand-word reflection out of it. At first, I wondered how can I manage to write a two thousand-word reflection on my expectation on my next plane ride since we are only asked about our expectations. If asked normally, some would just simply answer “I am pretty excited about it” and if you ask them why, they will give you this response “because it is my first time to board on a plane”. Yep, that is how it is done in the normal and casual way. Unlike this, we need to write our expectation and give explanation with at least two thousand words. Now, people would wonder how can you prolong a simple answer. Well, I do not know either. But, my approach is just to talk and talk about things. Talk and about planes and stuff. Talk about excitement. Talk about whatever comes in to your mind. Then type those things for the sake of reaching the required number of words. Of course, you only have to type down those words that are related to the topic. What I am trying to say is that, if you keep on talking and talking, your mind goes into a free flowing state. A state where you are unstoppable and the words and the ideas and kept on coming inside your head. Your brain becomes a faucet that is left open and the water is running. You are like a glass that is being filled with water, and the water is overflowing. You are like a volcano that spits tons of overflowing lava. And most of all, you are like a waterfall that endlessly spits water.

So, about the plane ride. A lot of people wanted to board on a plane. Why? Because it is so exciting. People dreamt of flying. I bet that all of you who are reading this thought of flying or you wished and prayed a number of times that you will be given the ability of flight when you were still a child, and maybe even now. You were able to wish for that ability cause you want to know how it feels when you are flying. Looking the view of the ground from above. Boarding on a plane is your only way to grant your wish, to live your life long dream to reach the clouds, because human flight is scientifically impossible, and if you are granted a human flight, the laws of physics would probably kill you upon taking flight. That is boarding a plane is the closest thing that we can get. Upon all of that, let us remember the brilliants minds who worked and made our dreams come true and thank them. They are the Wright borthers. Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright were the men who successfully created a machine that could fly. But before they made the first airplane, Orville and Wilbur already built some gliders back in the late 1800s and early 1900s.Orville and Wilbur built the very first powered aircraft back in 1903. They studied and analyzed every factor that would affect and aid the aircraft’s flight. Allowing 200 pounds of propulsion, they have estimated that the pilot would weigh 625 pounds. And that is to avoid the possibility of overloading. Based on their estimations, they calculated the thrust, the power, and speed requirements, they have concluded that they need an engine that has 8 horsepower that would generate 90 pounds of thrust.  Years and years have passed, people invented a lot of planes and improved its capability of type. Without the Wright brother there would be no airplanes today. Our dreams would still be dreams. We would still be dreaming about the capability to fly. So, kudos to them.

For me, I am not that excite to board on a plane this coming Field Trip and Seminar. Why? Because I already rode a plane years ago, twice. It was when I was a grade 5 student at the Sta. Ana Central Elementary school or abbreviated as SACES. The reason why I managed to board on a plane that time because we were heading to the United States Embassy for an interview to go outside the country. It was my aunt’s plan to let us have a vacation in her place in Arizona at that time. She issued a visa for us. I asked my mother if we would travel to Manila via ship or a plane, cause last time we went to Leyte, we boarded on a ship. My mother answered me and said that we are going to take a flight to Manila. At that moment, I cannot explain what I felt. I was so happy and so excited and thrilled because it was my first to board on a plane. I cannot sleep properly. Every day and every night I thought of how cool it is to ride on a plane. Yes, you can call me ignorant at that time, I do not care. I bet some of you felt the same way when you had you first flight. I learned something at that time which made me generate a question. I learned that the correct grammar is “I am ON a plane” not “I am IN a plane”. I was so confused at that time. Is it “ON”, not “IN”. Because when people ride a car, they would say “I am IN the car right now” not “I am ON the car right now”. It bothered me, and until now it still bothering me. I did not eve bother to search for the answer. Okay. So, the came that I am about to board on a plane. As far as I can remember, we woke up 3am and went to the airport at 4am. We waited for our time to enter. Me, standing in front of the glass overlooking the runway with the plane that will board made me pumped so much! By the time we went inside the airplane, I sat on the window side. Actually, it was my brother who was set there and I am just beside him, but we asked the stewardess if we can switch seats since we are brothers. Thankfully, the stewardess agreed.

I was damn excited at that time. I felt like I was in an epic vessel. I was damn ignorant at that time because I have not been on a plane before. I loved how the stewardess would demonstrate safety tips. When the plane starts to run, the pilot radioed us to fasten our seatbelt, but I have no idea how to do it. So, I stood a little to grab the seatbelt that was stuck on the seat, but the plane took off. I was fired back on to my seat, and I was like; “DAMN! That was awesome!” I was happy when the plane finally flew. I looked out the window and saw the things beneath us. The structures were so tiny as hell. They look like miniatures. As soon as the plane went on a high altitude, we went pass through the clouds. I looked outside and I saw an ocean of clouds. It looks like the clouds were floors. It feels like I am in heaven. That moment was one of the greatest happened in my entire life. My second time to board on a plane was when we went home to Davao. I was still excited, but deep inside, part of me is telling that I am used to it. So, the second time was not as exciting as the first one.  

So now, in our upcoming Field Trip Seminar, I am expecting that our plane ride will be safe.  Hope that there will be no troubles would come along the way. I am expecting that we will be landing safe. I am also expecting to see my classmates’ faces who are having their first flight. I want to see the magic and happiness on their faces. I want to see how I looked like the first time I was on a flight. And most of all, I am expecting that I will be assigned to sit on the window side. And if you would ask me how or what would I feel about my next plane ride. Well, I will be calm and steady, but yes. I still cannot deny I am going to be excited. I am used to it. It is not new to me. It would be like a “ride on a bus” feeling for me.

So, that is all, folks. Thank you for reading. I hope to see you soon when we will board on the plane. I hope that I can sit next to a beautiful girl whether it is a classmate of mine or not. HAHAHA! Just kidding. I am totally fine with anyone who will sit beside me as long as they are not annoying. And as long as it is a cute or beautiful girl (Kidding again! Do not take it seriously, this is just for the laughs. I am happy and contented with my girlfriend. How I really wish she would be sitting next to me). Good bye! Sayonara! 

Friday, July 17, 2015

July 6, 2015 Meeting

                The day was July 6, 2015. The first Monday of the month of July. We need to go to school as early as we can, because we are having our second meeting with our facilitator, Mr. Randy S. Gamboa as what we have already agreed last time. The meeting will start at 7am. But, some of us had a minor problem. I and my classmates, and along with our batch mates will going to have a quiz on our Programming 3 subject on that morning at 7am. Same time, a freaking conflict. I was thinking how we can manage to attend Mr. Gamboa’s meeting since our Programming 3 schedule is from 7am to 9am. We are also afraid to risk on not attending Mr. Gamboa’s meeting because I know that we will be going to face a mighty and probably a horrendous punishment, or sanction (Haha! I am just exaggerating things here. But, seriously. We are afraid of the possible punishment). It took us a long time to sort things out, but we have come up with a solution. We will just simply ask our Programming 3 professor, Mr. Ariel Pabilona that we are going to excuse ourselves in his class, because we have a meeting with Mr. Gamboa. I know that Mr. Pabilona will not say “No” as answer, because it was Mr. Gamboa who we’re dealing with. He knows what is better for us, and I know that he will excuse us. So, we went inside the Institute of Computing Laboratory 2 or known to all as the IC LAB 2. We were preparing ourselves for the quiz and for our mission to persuade Mr. Pabilona, but only to find out that Mr. Pabilona was not around and the quiz will be an online quiz. We were so happy because we can go out and immediately proceed to the IC LAB 1 to meet Mr. Gamboa. Then there, we took the quiz, we did our best to answer it as fast as we can, but also to making sure that we are answering it right. It took me a couple of minutes to finish the quiz. I finished the quiz and I was damn disappointed. I only got 3 out of 15. I know it is sad, but I must shove that thing out of my head, cause there was something that was waiting for me, for us down there, and that is our meeting.
We rushed our way down to the IC LAB 1, and we slowly opened the door so that we will not interrupt the on-going class. We were so afraid, because we are late. For Mr. Gamboa, being late is a mortal sin and it has a price to be paid. Well, yes. There is a punishment for those students who are late. We were already warned about this by our seniors who are also our friends. They gave us everything that we have to know about Mr. Gamboa when we were still at our second year and third year. Those late students will have to perform on the front. The performance can be either singing or dancing. Or the worse, you need to do both; to dance while singing or to sing while dancing. There was a time before when our seniors was under Mr. Gamboa’s technopreneurship class. Mr. Gamboa abolished the sing and dance punishment for the late comers. The new punishment was to bring a snack for the whole class. We were so terrified about knowing that. We were afraid that it will happen to us, and if it will happen to us, then my pockets will be nothing but a hole. Okay, let us now go back to the present. So, we were such in a state of fear because of the possible punishment while we slowly opened to the door to avoid interruption. When we opened the door, we slowly slipped ourselves in to the room. The first thing that I noticed is that the room was so silent. I know that the class should be silent when Mr. Gamboa is around. But, that kind of silence was very different. It felt so unusual. It seems like they were scolded by Mr. Gamboa. Then, the second I noticed is that there no more chairs left. So, my friend and I went to the spot near the door and on the vacant seats there. But later on, another of our classmates came in and they were girls, so as a gentle men, I and my friend stood up and gave the seats to them. I was wondering why are my classmates are so silent? Then Mr. Gamboa uttered a word, saying that we are not prepared. I was shocked. I asked myself, why? I found that none of my classmates were ready to pitch in front and they do not have any power point presentation of their proposed idea. Mr. Gamboa asked if are there really no one that will pitch. None of my classmates responded to Mr. Gamboa’s question. Mr. Gamboa was so silent, he speaks in a low tone manner. From that moment, I am afraid of what will happen next. Judging from what happened, and by the looks of Mr. Gamboa, it seems like we are all doomed. I fear that he will be mad at us. I fear that he will be furious about us being incompetent. I fear he will turn his back on us and walk out the door. I fear due to our incompetency, another reflection that worth thousands of words will be born. But luckily, I am just too paranoid. Mr. Gamboa decided to lecture us since we have nothing pitch. He started to set up his pocket speaker and microphone and stood in front of us and started to lecture us.

There are things that I cannot remember due to my poor memory, so there is a great and a huge chance that I might missed to include some happenings or maybe the chronology will be messed up. And as of now, I want to apologize early if I cannot properly organize the things that I liked and the things I liked the least because I have this poor memory. I might be able to remember it while typing down some words, so it will be mixed. So, please do not be surprised you read a part where I stated my liked, then moments after, you will read a part stating my least liked. You will read what are my liked and least liked parts of the meeting randomly as this goes on. So, from what I can remember (which I remembered it so bad), Mr. Gamboa wanted us to be a very successful person in the future. Now, let us pause for a minute. I am totally not sure that it was the first thing that Mr. Gamboa tackled on that day. But, that is all I can remember. Okay, let us go back to the topic. He wanted us to be a very successful person. He does not want us to end up on a wrong job, a job that is not related to our course, and a job where we cannot use of skills, and especially, he does not wants us to end up being on a call center. He pointed out that we studied for years or more and acquired knowledge and skills that other people do not have and we will just end up picking up phones and talk to customers. He told us that is as a privilege that we got in to the Institute of Computing. He reminded us about our scores. He told us that a lot of students had a score so low that they can only enroll on a 3-year course, and we were lucky to be able to enroll on a 4-year course. He also told us that out from lots and lots of students who applied for the Institute of Computing, we were one of those worthy students who were accepted. So, he wants us to remember how lucky and how special we are. Within that span of time in college, you learned how to code C++, Java, Android, Data Structure, and you’ve learned other information technology skills that is worthy as hell, and you’ll end up on a desk, picking up phones. It is okay to work on a call center agency, but you should be on the technical or IT department so you could use your IT skills somehow. He aims to make his students a successful individual in the through teaching Tenchopreneurship and he is so committed about it. That is one of my liked part of the meeting. Another thing that belongs to my liked part is when he said that he wants us to be successful through business, then he said that there are two kinds of business. I cannot remember what those kinds were. But, the thought it was, there is a type of business that promotes innovation and to end people’s suffering. I guess that was called “innovative business”, if my memory serves me well. And the other kind is the imitative business.

All I can remember is that he gave us advice not to establish an imitative business. That is the kind of business who imitates other business due to its trending status. For example; those beverage stalls the sells chocolate, black gulaman, buko pandan that we can see outside. I can still remember that it was only one stall who is selling those, but after many months, there are many similar stalls who popped out of nowhere like a freaking mushroom. You can see them if you look from left to right. It very clear and obvious to see that those stalls imitated the original stall. Why? It is because they have the same flavor they are selling. They are not even trying, they do not have any twists. They have just imitated the original directly. I really hate those kind of business person. It clearly shows that they are a total loser. They cannot even think of a new thing. If they want to compete with the original vendor, they could have added a twist at least. But, nope. They do not have something that distinguishes them to the original. Now, there are new stalls who added different flavors such as halo-halo, and pinya (pineapple). But, the thing is when they saw that the other stalls added flavors, some stall added the same flavors on their menu. I also witnessed a business that imitated a business of my friend. I have a classmate who has a friend who established a business. It is an eatery type business. The name of the establishment is Grillicious. They aim to promote a grill-it-yourself eatery just like Yakimix, but is much affordable. After a few months, their business was a boom. People would flood Grillicious. But, something stupid happened. The owner of the spot they are renting had them kicked out. So, they looked for a new spot, and fortunately, the found a new spot which was near their old spot. The new spot is just a 50-second walk from the old spot. But, we were shocked their old spot has been re-opened. They made an establishment there. And guess what, the establishment they established was a copycat of Grillicious. A grill-it-yourself eatery. Mother of imitations! They kicked out our friends so they could establish a copycat eatery. So, what drove these people to imitate such thing? What is the underlying psychology of this? Well for me, if one established something and that thing became so popular and many loved it, people tend to think that they could gain money from the same thing due to its popularity. So, they would imitate that thing and hoping that there will be lots of costumers who will come. On the good side, they could gain customers because the customers would think that it is the same thing that they are getting. But on the bad side, they are just living behind the shadows of the original vendor. Okay, back to the present time. Mr. Gamboa shared a scenario of imitative business. He told us that back in the days, internet cafes were so popular, but only few can establish one because it was so expensive to establish an internet café before. Mr. Gamboa established an internet café because it was a trend before. He told us that the rate before was 150 pesos per hour, and that made our jaws dropped on the floor, because right now, the current rates are around 5 to 15 pesos per hour depending on the management. There are even promos like 5 hours + 1 hour for only 50 pesos. Back to Mr. Gamboa. Mr. Gamboa’s internet café failed. Why? It was because that internet café business grew faster and faster as technology improves and easy to afford. The rates even dropped down. That is why he told us to be careful to go along with the latest trends, cause it will fade soon. By the way, if you got lost on the track, I will remind you that the things I mentioned above was my liked parts. If you are reading this part, then I am still extracting memories from my brain so that I can type down what happened on that day, and so I can type the things that I liked the least. If you can remember from my reflection (My July 4, 206 reflection), I wrote there that I have a messed up memory. I usually forget all things so easily. It is like a curse that is running our bloodline, I got from my mother. But, it is not bad at all, after all, it is an illness or a disease at all. Actually, my short term memory is not the sole reason why I forgot the things that happened on July 6, 2015. Actually, I also have a mind that would slip away without me noticing it.  So far, there is nothing that I can think of parts I liked the least. But, I still have fragments of memories of what happened that day in my brain, there are still parts of that day I like, and I am still remembering it, so please bear with me. I really hope you will bear with me.

The way I remember what happened last July 6, 2015 is very weird. I feel so unsure about it. I do not trust my memory, since I have mentioned that I have a messed up and bleeped up brain, so there is a chance that these things. These image in my head was totally created by my mind. You know what the brain can do. It can deceive you that is why you should never trust anyone not even yourself cause you can be deceived by yourself. So, how is this thing kind of possible? Well, let us take myself as an example. I was tasked to write a 5000-word essay about the meeting that happened last July 6, 2015. But, the thing is, I cannot barely remember a damn thing. For a guy who has a messed up memory, forcing myself to remember such happening can lead my brain into mixing some memories with the others. Or my brain might fabricate a happening that is so real just for me to have something to type. Yes, this is very hard for me. If this there is some that I liked the least, it was not at that day, it is right now. I hate it. No, I do not mean that I hate remembering things just because we are obliged to do it and will face certain punishment if we fail. What I mean is that I really hate remembering things cause I know that my memory sucks. Of course, there are still parts of that day that I can remember, but I will save it up for later. As I also mentioned earlier is that I have fragments of memories on that day. I could just type here what are those memory fragments, but I choose not to, because I am still hoping that I can piece these fragments together to form a clump of memories so I can extract information and explain it thoroughly to all of you who are reading this. I am sorry. I will apologize again because until now I cannot give the part of that day which I liked the least.
A lot of parts on what Mr. Gamboa’s lecture on that day, July 6, 2015 were the same as what he had lectured on July 4, 2015. He brought back those topics that we have discussed on Saturday. And maybe these are the things that I liked the least during our meeting at that time. For example; he opened the nine dots challenged again to us. No, I do not that he made us to it again. What I am trying to say is that he tackled it again for the underlying meaning or message what the challenge was trying to convey to the people. If you have already forgotten the nine dots challenge, then I will give you a recap. The nine dots challenge was about connecting the nine using only four strokes without lifting the pen. Sounds hard doesn’t it? Well, cause it is really hard. The only way to connect the nine dots using only four strokes without lifting the pen is to overlap the stroke line. Yes, you have to overlap it from the nine dots. It sounds like cheating, but that is how you do it. Well, as we all know that the message behind the nine dots is to think outside the box. We do not have to limit ourselves, we should use our imagination to sort things out, even if it is weird or very way off than the usual thing. Just because the nine dots form a box pattern or figure, it does not mean that you have to apply the strokes along the box pattern/figure. Thinking outside the box is very helpful in real life. It is very helpful because it is not every minute of every day we can think of something new or something unique. If you are a business man and you wanted to establish a business, and it seems that every business around you are building coffee shops or tea house, it does not mean that you should do the same. Well, you could, but you know this to yourself that you are copying them, and you have a small chance of gaining customers cause there are lots of tea houses and coffee shops that are built. Unless if you do something very unique. If you want to build a coffee shop, then make sure that the coffee shop you are trying to build is unique and that would stand out from the others, put a twist. Maybe you could build a coffee shop, but you have something that sets it apart from all the previous coffee shops that were built and something that differentiates it from the rest. Maybe your coffee could have an arcade where the customers can play, or a jukebox where the customers can listen to some groovy oldies music. Or you could just build a themed coffee shop. It is all about the gimmick. Just because it is a coffee shop, it does not mean that you should only do what a normal coffee shop would. Think outside of the box. Use your imagination. Another thing that Mr. Gamboa retold us was the incubation hubs here in Davao City. If you cannot remember then, I am here to tell you. Incubation Hub(s) is a place or usually and office or headquarters where people stay to harness their skills, talents, etc. They train, and learn vice versa, until the harnessed or enhanced their skills, wits and intelligence, or we can say until they will be developed and ready to face the world which is full of challenges. And oh! Did I mention that it is for free? Yes, it is free to be in an incubation hub. They give you anything that you need. And office, internet connection, etc. (that is according to Mr. Gamboa) So, if my brain is not playing with my memory right now, it was Ateneo de Davao University who was supposed to have the first incubation hub here in Davao City, but that was not continued because they chose to top their old students which are now successful person with their newly graduated students who are starting life after college (that is how I remembered it). And if I remember it correctly, it was Brokenshire College who successfully built an incubation hub here in Davao City. They built an incubation hub out of two containers piled to make a two-story incubation hub, equipped with air-conditioning, electricity and internet connection. They got the idea from the Nankai University according to Mr. Gamboa. Another he told us again was that how late or how behind the Philippines is to Japan and other countries.Mr. Gamboa said that the Philippines is 10 years late from the technology of Japan, and Davao City is 5 years late from the technology of Manila. Well, that is pretty obvious to see if we are aware of our surroundings. If there were enough IT companies or facilities, the Philippines would so much better than it is today. He also told us again about the SEED, but this time he explained it in detail. He already told us about SEED on the July 4, 2015 meeting, but was short. It was like an overview of what is, and unfortunately, I forgot the words Mr. Gamboa spoke about the SEED at that time, because of, you know. Poor memory. He also taught what Technopreneurship truly is. Well, Technopreneurship is simply just entrepreneurship merged with technology. Or we can say it is technological entrepreneurship. It aims to promote innovation, destroying the old and creating the new. Technopreneurship has this course model which they call “SEED”. SEED stands for Self Mastery, Environment Mastery, Enterprise Mastery and Development of Business Plan.
The first thing is Self Mastery. Self Mastery is about knowing yourself. It is the phase where you must identity, and analyze yourself as if you are a specimen, or an object that has specifications. Once you know yourself, are now able to determine what you want and do not want. You will know your strengths and your weaknesses. So, how would you know if you are a self-mastered person? You will be able to know if you are a self-mastered person if you have these traits; A self-mastered person not need a high IQ, so it is okay to have a low IQ, you do not have to be smart, no need to worry. Despite of not needing a high IQ, a self-mastered person does need a high EQ and AQ or also known as Emotional Quotient and Adversity Quotient. It is important to have a high level of these two because it helps when you are emotionally strong. That means you can handle things around and not letting your emotions take over you. It is also important to have the ability to stand after failures and is ready to shift attitude in order to adapt. A self-mastered person has to be a natural performer which can be competitive and efficient. Epicure which can be sensual and cheery. A boss who takes charge of anything and who loves to take a fight. Needs to be a whole-brained person. And must have a personal vision.

The second thing is Environment Mastery. Environment Mastery is about generating business ideas and seeking opportunities from his or her environment. This can be achieve through serendipity walks, crises, trends and many more. Serendipity walks refers to when you are walking around and you suddenly stumbled onto a new idea in a very unexpected manner or you saw something that triggered your brain to generate an idea. For example; you were walking around the park when suddenly something hits you. Something that came from out of nowhere. No, not an object, but an idea. The next is crises. This is about generating or drawing ideas from a certain crisis or the crises that are happening. For example; the Philippines, especially Davao City is facing the threat of fake rice. One of our classmate drew an idea out from this crisis. He thought of an application that would determine whether the scanned rice is real or fake. Next is trends. This is where you draw idea about the latest trends. Example; the current trend is having a pair of sunglasses that has an x-ray vision. You know yourself that manufacturing and selling the same thing could get you money. So, you could either imitate it or do something similar of it but with a twist. An Environment-Mastered person should understand the industry that he or she is in. Of course, he or she must know how the industry works, must know its secrets, its shortcuts. He or she must see the opportunity not the problem. This just like I mentioned earlier about my classmate who thought of an app that would identify a fake rice. The problem is that fake rice is hiding in plain sight, but he saw the opportunity to have a possible solution and the opportunity to make money out from it by selling it to the customs and etc. Must be on top of the situation, not under the situation. Well, this trait here is important. There are situations that are so hard to handle and to face. We are swallowed by it sometimes. But taking the situation under control is a sign of strength and courage. This trait can be found on a great leader.
The third thing is Enterprise Mastery. Enterprise Mastery is about running a business and knowing the different kinds of enterprise principles such as: creating the business, marketing management, operations management and financial management. An enterprise-mastered person should understands and integrates the functions of management (marketing, human resource, operations, and finance). Understands and integrates the process of management (planning, organizing, directing and controlling.). And should lead and inspires rather than manage. Of course, one must have the knowledge of these things, like how to handle money and financial stuffs to be called an Enterprise-Mastered person.

The fourth and last thing is the Development of Business Plan. The Developmeant of Business Plan covers the following things: writing the business plan (of course it is pretty obvious). Presenting and defending the business plan. This is the first step on getting your plan into life. While presenting your plan to them, be prepared to defend it cause other will criticize it and will ask you questions. Next is adding refinements to the presented plan. Of course, your plan is just still a plan. There occasions that you will change your plan or change a little, that is why it is better to add some refinements to the presented plan if they seem to be unappeased.  

Another that Mr. Gamboa taught us that day was the difference of a technopreneur and an entrepreneur. Well, we all knew that this is just a simple comparison. An entrepreneur has these traits: Likes to compete, Is a self-starter, Is able to do many things. While a technopreneur has these traits: Likes to innovate, Is part of a team, Is innovative and has a greater vision. Well, to put things in a simple manner. Technopreneur is an entrepreneur who venture in business using technology. Another thing that Mr. Gamboa shared was HELF. HELF is the basis of being a successful technopreneurship. HELF is just the acronym of these things: Human Resources Components, Environment Component, Laws and Policies, Financial Resources. Under the Human Resources Components you have the people that are involved on developing and establishing your business such as, Financier, The Thinker, The one who generates idea, the one who innovates. You also have the people responsible for the development such as technical staff. In Environment Component, you have the community or services that will aid you on developing your idea or to promote it such as incubation hubs, internet, institutions and many more. Under the Laws and Policies, you have there the rights laws, rules, legal action you should abide. It also the Intellectual Property Rights to, Technology Licensing Office to tackle about the rights and ownership of a thing. Last but not the least is the Financial Resources. Well, you already know what is under here. Under here you will the factors that would that are related to money that would revolve around you. Such as Investors, Funding Agencies and many more.

So far, majority of what I have wrote are my liked parts, and there are some of them that are the parts that I liked the least. That day was such a very normal day for me. As what I am keep on saying, I cannot hardly remember a thing about what happened that day, and it saddens me. I wish I could have given you more and more details about what happened that day and give a concrete reflection of five thousand words that is divided into two. I wish I could have given you a reflection where two thousand five hundred words are written for the liked part, and another two thousand five hundred for the parts I like the least. What I give you now is an abomination. A total wreckage where the points are not organized and arranged well. Maybe next time I will listen very eagerly to Mr. Gamboa. But if there is one thing that I would like to point out before I end this. I had disliked part of that day. Okay, that is when my classmate and I stood up during the period of the class. Why? Remember what I wrote earlier? When my late classmates went inside of the room, they found themselves nothing to sit on. So, we decided to give them our chairs and stand up. We stood there for like three hours and listen to Mr. Gamboa. It was very hard and uncomfortable for us. But, we did not mind that since we are gentlemen and we know that we can endure that kind of problem.

So, that is all, folks. I really do hope you liked this even if this is a wretched post. Thank you, and good bye!               

Thursday, July 16, 2015

3 Idiots: Reflection

College is the final phase where a student must undergo on a series of training of their desired profession on how to deal with it in the real life through studying. A campus university is like a barracks, housing thousands of fresh meats ready to be trained and come out as a soldier after all the things they are going through. College is really easy, they said. I do not know why, but for me, college is really damn hard. Now, there is this Bollywood movie about three friends in their college life inside an Engineering College. This movie tackles how college life hard I and how it affects the students. A movie about pursuing your dream, and marrying your passion. The movie’s title is 3 Idiots.
3 Idiots focused on three major characters, hence the title. They are friends, and they have a really great bond. Their names are Farhan Qureshi, Raju Rastogi, and Ranchoddas Chanchad. Now, I am going to make a reflection in each of them. I will start with Mr. Raju Rastogi.

Raju Rastogi

The character Raju Rastogi was portrayed by the Indian film actor Sharman Joshi. According to Wikipedia, Sharman Joshi is not only an Indian film actor, but also a theatre actor. He made his film debut on 1999 art film called the Godmother. He did a lot of movies in his career, but what makes people remember and admire him was when he played one of the major characters of the movie 3 Idiots, Raju Rastogi.

                Raju Rastogi was a kind of different from his friends. He came from a very poor family. His father was a former postmaster and now a paralyzed man. His sister was an unwed woman, since the cannot afford to offer a dowry. Why? Yep. You guessed it. It was because that they were so very poor. His mother was a retired teacher and loves to complain about their status. Not the way that you’re thinking. His mother was complaining about the prices that are going high and how hard it was for her to cater the family needs with little to no money. His mother cries everytime she thinks of how hard to live life when you are poor. His mother wants to vent out all of her feelings, but she had no one to talk to. That is why she poured it all out on Farhan and Rancho. Which lead Raju walking out cause of the shame he felt. I know that we can all understand how Raju’s mother was feeling. I bet that all of our moms our parents know how it feels to be in Raju’s mother’s situation. His mother was not overreacting. His mother was telling the truth, telling how hard life can be. We all can relate to Raju’s life. Yes, we can. Especially to those who are impecunious. There are a lot of similar cases that is happening true to life. There are huge numbers of mothers who are then only one who is keeping the family alive by just depending on a little income. And to make it even more harder, those mothers have to divide such little amount of money for some expenses, just like medicine. Just like in the movie. Raju’s father was paralyzed, and his mother is the only one who is keeping them alive by just depending on her pension. It was also stated in the movie that his family income for a month was 2500. Way below than Rancho and Farnhan’s family income. And by that, Raju’s mother needs to divide it for the food for the medicine of Raju’s father. I would take my mother as an example to relate on Raju’s mother’s situation. My mom is postal clerk of the Philippine Post Corporation. Before she got there, she was an employee of the DPWH or the Department of Public Works and Highways. And my father was a Taxi driver before. They were doing fine at that time. They were both working, they share for the expenses. But, there came a time when my father had to quit driving taxi. So, my mom was the only one left to have a job. She worked by herself just to sustain our family needs. She wakes up in the morning, then she does the laundry and iron some clothes. Then will cook breakfast fast for, and after that, she’ll rush herself to the office to work 8hrs a day as a postal clerk. She was doing this for almost 20 years. For almost 20 years, it was my mom who sustain us because she is the only one who is making money. Whenever I have or should I say “we” (because we are three siblings, all boys) have a project. We would approach mom and ask some money for it. Then, as a loving mother, she would hand us money for us to be able to do our project. And if she does not have any money, she would do anything and everything just to seek a solution on how to provide us. She had been reaching one person to another person seeking help. She has been doing this for almost 20 years, and it makes me sad to think about it. That is why Raju and I are quite the same.

Raju was the only one in their family who was capable of ending their poverty. His parents, especially his mother put the weight of the world on Raju’s shoulder. Raju carried the burden on his own. I am very sure that all of us can relate to him. We all can relate to Raju Rastogi, unless you were born rich and does not care of what the future would bring. As what the default mindset shows, our parents are working themselves to death, so that we could graduate, and have a job, and to repay them. But in reality, what happens is that, when we finally have a job, we will work to death just to keep ourselves alive, and only to find out that it is very hard to live by just having a normal job. So, the thought of Raju ending their poverty had a very big effect on him. It is a responsibility that anyone of us are also tasked with. Even I, myself was being expected by my family to end our poverty. They are hoping that I would finish studying and graduate, so that my mother will not have to suffer anymore from loans and utangs from the people she knew. For me, I see it as a necessary thing to do, because as what I have mentioned. It is always my mom who does everything to sustain us. I can see her suffering just for us. So, it is a mandatory thing for me to do repay her, my parents when I graduate. I will end our poverty and put them into a kind of situation, where the only thing that they will do is to relax. I know that it is a very hard thing to do. I always fear that I will not be able to grant it, due to the harsh reality of being a college student. And, I can bet that Raju also felt the same way as I did.

Raju Rastogi was a very kind person. He always wanted to help his family. He cares for his sister, an unwed woman. He wants her sister to become a married woman. He also does not like other people making jokes on his mother and father. Raju, along with Farhan was a consistent student when it comes on being last on the list each exam. The both of them always find their selves on the last. So, that makes them to be placed on the far corner every class picture they had. He was also a very religious person and loves to believe in beliefs. He had a lot of lucky rings on his fingers. He always light up insence sticks and pray and give presents for the Gods just to pass his exams. At this point, Rancho said that it was no longer a prayer. It was begging. It was a bargaining. Trying to bribe the Gods just to pass you. Of course, we all know that we have been in to this stage before. We tend to pray everytime there will be an exam or a quiz. We always ask God to pass us, and in return, we will do things for God. Such as, we will change. We will help others. We will give more offerings. We become beggars and bribers at the same time. One night when the three of them were drinking, Rancho gave them an advice to marry your passion, and success will follow. Raju asked Rancho why he keeps on failing even if he loves engineering and it is his passion. Rancho simply answered “it is because you fear the future.” Meaning that Raju was carrying the burden inside of him, and by burden, I mean his task on ending their poverty and he was overthinking too much about its outcome. He was carrying it all the time and feared that he might fail. It affected him so much in a way that he was so scared that is why he cannot focused on studying the lessons.  And that is also the reason why Raju prayed a lot. No. Begged a lot for the Gods to pass him. He was letting the deities to decide for his fate, instead of getting hi butt to work and start studying really hard. For me, Rancho has point right there. There are people who are getting carried by their thoughts, and by the expectations of other people making them disoriented from their main goal. And on the praying stuff. I find really absurd to pray for the Gods just to pass you. I mean, as an atheist, you are just technically talking to no one, but yourself. Instead of wasting your time on talking to yourself, begging to yourself, why not use it to study? (NOTE: No offense to those theist people here. I had no intentions of offending you.)

As a friend of the person some the professors found annoying, Raju got into trouble many times because of Rancho. Well, who could blame him? I mean, Rancho was a fun and intelligent. People who have shallow mind can’t understand him. The first time he got in trouble because of Rancho was when their names were used by Rancho to teach Viru how to teach. Rancho was challenged by Viru to each engineering in front of the class. Rancho grabbed a book and wrote “Farhanitrate” and “Prerajulization” on the board and asked everyone to find its definitions within 30 seconds. But, later to be found that those were only a made up word using Farhan and Raju’s names. Viru saw Rancho as a potential threat to Farhan and Raju’s studies that is why Viru sent a letter to Farhan and Raju’s parents. Second, is when they crashed at a wedding party to have a free food, only to find out that it was Viru’s daughter’s wedding reception. They were counseled by Viru later on. The most intense moment that Raju got into trouble was when he got rusticated. Well, it was not Rancho’s fault at this time. As I mentioned earlier that the three were drinking. Farhan and Raju challenged Rancho to propose to Pia (Viru’s youngest daughter). So, they snuck into Viru’s house. While Rancho, Pia and Pia’s sister was having a conversation, Raju jumped, and it alerted the sleeping Viru. Later that, the drunk Farhan and Raju, yelled and peed on Viru’s mailbox, which woke Viru up. Rancho, Farhan, and Raju managed to run outside, but when Viru came out the door, and he spot the flashlight on them while running. It was going to be fine, not until Raju came back to give Viru a final goofy face. But that was a bad idea. The flashlight shone on Raju’s face, as Viru confirmed that it was him. So, let us cut to the chase. Raju was summoned on the office of Viru. Viru as Raju to type for him, and Raju gladly accepted. But, things are starting to get bad when Viru asked Raju to type these following words: “Dear Sir, it is my painfully duty to inform you that your son, Mr. Raju Rastogi is rusticated from the Imperial College of Engineering.”  Raju begged and pleaded to Viru. Telling him that it would kill his father upon reading. Viru’s decision was irrevocable, but he would consider to spare Raju if Raju is willing to type Rancho’s name instead of his. Raju was totally fell into a great dilemma as he saw images of his family and Rancho. He cannot make up his mind and he did not take the pressure well, and decided to commit suicide by jumping out from the third floor. Raju made a mistake and he admitted it. But he cannot dare of typing the letter since it will be the end of his hope, and he cannot also risk of typing Rancho’s name since he knew that it was his fault. But, what I loved about what happened is that Raju gained a new attitude. He became a humble person. He was very calm, polite and humble at the interview where he eventually got hired. It took him a lot of broken bones and months of recovery to gain that new attitude.                                          
                Raju is the character that most of the students can relate. It is good to see that fearing your future and begging for a miracle won’t do you any good. It is much better to stand up and work your butt out.

Farhan Qureshi

                The next character I’m going to discuss about is Farhan Qureshi. Farhan Qureshi was portrayed by the Indian film actor, R. Madhavan. R. Madhavan is also a TV Host. He received two Filmfare Awards, an award that is given by the Tamil Nadu State Film awards. Just like his film buddies, he also appeared on numerous film, and his participation on the movie 3 Idiots makes his acting career even more good.

                Farhan Qureshi is one of the three major characters of the movie 3 Idiots along with Raju Rastogi and Ranchoddas Chanchad. Farhan is the narrator throughout the whole story, the whole film. Farhan is the type of character that every college student would relate to. And if not every college student, then a huge number of it. I am not even fibbing about it. In fact, I have met and known a lot of people who has the same story as Farhan. Okay. Farhan was the first one to be introduced to the audience. He was about to fly to another country, but then he received a phone call which caught his attention and made changed his mind. Upon the taking off of the plane, he faked a heart attack scenario in order for the plane to land. From what we can see, it seems that the information that was conveyed that phone call seems to be important. He contacted Farhan and told about Chatur have found Rancho. Both of them rushed to the Imperial College of Engineering’s tanker to meet up with Chatur. The three of them had a conversation, Chatur bragged about his success, and telling how to locate Rancho. Then the movie proceeds with Farhan narrating the movie. Farhan gave us a flashback. From the day he was born, his destiny was already determined, fixed and sealed by his parents. Farhan’s life was predestined and there was nothing he can do about it. Now, that was what I am trying to tell you. Many people in this world had their fate predetermined by their parents even if they were not born yet. We knew that this kind of thing was happening ever since. I can bet that even in the ancient times, predetermination of one’s fate is very common. Just like the rulers before. There are cases that the rulers before would have their offspring’s destiny already determined by shaman or a priest or a prophet they appointed. If it is a guy, it is either going to be a warrior or next ruler. And if it is a girl, it is either going to be a helper or something. I’m not discriminating women here, I am just telling you how the past treated the women kind before. Predetermined fate or predetermined destiny is also present in political dynasties where the children will be molded into a political-oriented person just to keep their legacy going on. We cannot deny that this kind of thing is still up to date. I even have a friend that her mother wanted her to study Business Ad from the beginning, because her mother wanted her to continue running the business in the future. As for Farhan, from the moment that he was born, he was going to be an engineer as spoken by mouth of his parents. The thing that bothers me about that is, it kills the concept of free will. As what many religious people say, the bible said that we were gifted free will when we were born. It was a gift from God to us. And if people truly believed in God, then why would they kill their children’s free will? Well, let us leave that bible part behind. I understand why parents do that. They have a lot of reason, but the common reason for that is that, that they want their children to have a better future, that is what they think that is going to be good for their children. Just like in the movie where Farhan’s father told Rancho that, they have sacrificed their own comfort just for the betterment of Farhan’s future. The intention was good, but it failed to see the other side. They did not even bother to ask Farhan what is his heart’s desire.

                He is the type of guy who cannot stand up for his own decision. He is not able to find a way to fight what he really loves. I know that there are a lot of kids and teenagers who are in the same shoes of Farhan. A lot of them cannot stand for their own decisions because they are afraid. They fear something. They fear that they will be turned down or reject by their parents. And if Farhan’s reason was like that, then it would be his weakness. His weakness is that he cannot fight for his own idea, but there is no weakness if there is no strength. While Farhan has his weakness, he has this kind of strength that amuses me. His strength was to keep his attitude remain intact and Farhan is the type of guy that never want to disappoint his parents that is why he obeys them regardless if it is against his will. He accepted his parent’s decision and went to Imperial College of Engineering to study there. That is his strength. That is the case of those children who are very unfortunate enough to have their fates already sealed. They cannot do anything about it, but to obey and go with it. There are some who grew up thinking that it was a normal thing, or they felt normal having their fates predetermined. Maybe the reason of it is that they were raised very well, and if you think about it, they are brainwashed very well. 
                There are not enough of highlights for Farhan in the movie. Yes, he was the narrator and he was on every scene, but his character did not have another striking moment aside on where he confronted his parents and convinced them. But that is too early to talk about. Professors of the Imperial College of Engineering was finds Rancho as a nuisance and some kind of hated him. That is why any person close to Rancho has the potential to have his or her life ruined. Farhan got in to trouble because of Rancho for the first time when Rancho used Farhan’s name along with Raju’s when Rancho taught Viru how to teach. Viru saw it as a potential threat to Raju and Farhan’s career that is Viru had sent a letter to their parents regarding about their friendship. Stating that Rancho could be a factor that can ruin Raju and Farhan’s study. After Farhan’s parents received the letter that Viru sent to them, Farhan’s father invited them to give them a bit of scolding. Aftey the three have arrived, Farhan’s father led them into Farhan’s room. He explained to Rancho in a loud and aggressive manner that they had an air conditioning device built in Farhan’s rooms so just Farhan could study very well and very comfortable. His father begs Rancho not to ruin Farhan’s life, and by that, I think Farhan’s meant to have Rancho away from Farhan. But then, Rancho noticed some photos on Farhan’s wall, and he asked about it. There, we discovered that Farhan’s original passion was to take wildlife photography, which his father refers to it as a waste of time. At this moment, we can tell how painful it was for Farhan to know that his passion, his desirem his true love is just a waste of time for his father. Now, we have tons of similar cases about this. This case is quite common artists. Quite common to those who are taking an art course or a course that is related to art. A lot of parents will disagree if their children would like to pursue an art course. Why? It is because that there is no job that waiting for those who will graduate on that course. In reality, there are no jobs for artists. Well, there are some jobs for these courses like graphic artists, or multimedia artists and many to mention. But those artists who paints on canvas. There no jobs for them, unless they will establishment a shop on their own. That is why parents would say that some things are worthless and waste of time. That is the truth, and it is quite painful for some artists. But the parents failed to see the side of their children. If they pursue art, they will end up having nothing, but they gained a lot of knowledge. And most of all, their children was happy. Their hearts were singing in joy. Just like what Farhan said to his father. He said that if he will be a photographer, he will have a small house and a small car, but he will be happy for the rest of his life. And another that the parents failed to see is that artists are extremely creative. Artists won’t be having a bad time looking for money cause they know how to generate one. They will just only use their creativity. The money will come slow, yes it will. But, the point is that artists knows how to generate money from nothing.

                As what I have said, parents only did this because they want their children to have a better future. But there are some parents who do it just for pride. Who only do it for the name. This is common in Asian countries especially in Japan and China. I have known this a long time ago, and I do not if this is still a trend for the Asian parents. The internet loves to make fun of Asians. But when they say Asian, they meant those Asians with squinty yes, due to stereotyping. The love to make fun of us by stereotyping and racism. They managed to popularized that Asians are very good at math. They always assume that Asians are freaking geniuses. Why? Stereotyping, again. And about the Asian parents thingy, they always illustrate that Asian parents shoves a lot of home works to their children, hoping that their children will become a lawyer, a doctor, and engineer in a matter of seconds. Well, I really I find this joke funny because, it is quite true somehow. Asian parents are very strict to their children. They want they children to study a lot as long as they can in hopes that their children will become a professional someday, leaving a title on the clan name making them proud you. And the funny thing is that if you fail, you will be forgotten as a family member. It is very hard to live on a life like that. I would rather die than doing things I do not love. Just kidding.
                And the last thing, the most important thing  that made me salute Farhan’s character is when he finally had the guts to convince his father. Farhan was supposed to head to the interview at the Imperial College of Engineering, but Raju told him to go home and convince his farther. But Farhan was hesitating, he is afraid that his father won’t let him. But , he changed his mind and went home after Rancho and Pia gave Farhan a letter from Andre Istvan. Farhan’s favorite wildlife photographer. Farhan originally wrote a letter to Andre five years ago, but he did not send it to Andre, fearing that his father will be furious at him. Now Rancho sent I and Andre was impressed by Farhan’s shots and offered Farhan to become his assistant and have a training with salary at the same time.
                At Farhan’s house. Farhan’s father was preparing a laptop. It was their gift to Farhan. Farhan showed up and talked to his father. He told him about how he loved photography, but still, his father did not agree to him and was mad at him. His father told him that people would call him a loser for quitting on his final year of college and pursue photography. His father also told him that one day his classmates will have nice cars and nice cars, and he will regret afterwards. But Farhan pleaded, but his father’s heart was as hard as a stone. His father sarcastically and angrily said that is Farhan going to threat them with suicide like what Raju did. Farhan opened his wallet. There a picture of his mother and father. He kneeled in front of his father telling that it was Rancho who his despised of was the one who put the picture in wallet. And Rancho told him that if ever a suicide thought will ever cross his mind, he will just have to look at the picture and think about how you smiles of his parents’ will be gone they will see Farhan’s dead body. Everyone was crying. Farhan, his mother, his father. He pleaded for the last time. His father stood up and went for the laptop. Then his father asked if a laptop can be exchange with a professional camera. There, at that moment, Farhan’s father melted. He finally realized his son’s passion. He finally agreed to his son.
                That scene is one of the scene that made me jerked a tear on my eye. I imagine how hard it was for Farhan to build up the guts to face his father and convince him. I imagined that must be so hard to do in real life. I was hoping that a lot of people who are like Farhan will watch this film and make Farhan as their inspiration, and stand up for their own decisions.               

Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad/Phunsukh Wangdu  
                 Now, this is the last character I am going to tackle. This character is very different than the two about, Farhan Qureshi and Raju Rastogi. Why? Well find it out later and learn his secret as we go exploring Aamir Khan’s witty, genius, and lovable character, Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad.

                Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chachad was played by the award-winning Indian film actor, directorm producer and TV presenter, Aamir Khan. Aamir Khan is one of the most well-known, popular, influential and respected actors in India. He did a lot of Hindi movies which made him a huge star. He is also one of India’s in demand actors. He starred on award-winning such as Lagaan, a film set on the Victorian Era in India where Indian habitants were oppressed by high taxes. He also starred in the movie, Taare Zameen Par or also known as Like Stars on Earth, or some call it Every Child is Special. This is a wonderful movie. The story revolves around a kid named Eshan being guided by Aamir Khan’s character to deal with dyslexia. Another movie which he starred was the film, Ghajini. The film is about a rich man who was beaten nearly to death and became an unstoppable revenge-machine to seek vengeance for the death of his loved one. And later that, in 2009 he starred on a movie which became a popular movie that tackles about the life of being in college and the tackles the hardships and even gives us a philosophical thought on living your college days. And yes, this movie is the 3 Idiots. Now, let us tackle hi character.

                Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad is the most brilliant character you have ever seen. He is so witty, genius, funny and epic. But we do not know much about him in the beginning of the movie. As we saw in the movie, it was Farhan Qureshi who received a phone call and he seem to be thrilled like he had heard a very crucial news which made him to fake a heart attack situation to land the plane he was boarding. Farhan then contacted Raju Rastogi and there, Farhan mentioned for the name “Rancho” for the first time. He said that Chatur has an information about Rancho’s whereabouts. Raju was rushing to get up and even forgot his pants, and hopped in the car with Farhan to go to the Imperial College of Engineering. It seems that this guy Rancho is a very important character. So important that makes the two characters rushing out of excitement. When they arrived at the Imperial College of Engineering, they went to the tanker only to find Chatur, now a successful millionaire. Chatur reminded them about the deal he made years ago. When Chatur was asked where Rancho is, he simply told that Rancho will never be able to come cause Rancho was a loser. Now, this gives the audience the question who the heck Rancho is. Why is he so important to these characters? It was on the latter where Chatur tild him the he knows where Rancho could be. They began to travel via Chatur’s car to go to the location of Rancho. Then Farhan started narrating about his life, and about his first day in college. In that part, we still do not know a single thing about this mystery character, Rancho. Not until the night of their first day as a college student.
                It was a ritual in the Imperial College of Engineering where the freshmen must pay respects to their seniors. The freshmen must wear nothing but their underpants. They are tasked to do stupid things, they are being made fun by the seniors. They look like a stupid robot obeying what the seniors’ requests are just to please the seniors. Everyone was being made fun until one student suddenly came. He arrived the Imperial College of Engineering at night only to see a lot of freshmen on their underpants. One senior went to him and told him about the ritual. They make him pull down his pants, but that guy was not listening. He did not obey the senior. The senior was so furious about him for disobeying. He did everything to make that guy pull down his pants and even threatened him that he will pee on his door every day. But that guy ran into his room and locked the door. The senior stood in front of the door and kept on shouting. The senior now will pee on the door if that guy will not come out after ten counts. The senior then starts to count in an ascending order. Inside, the guy was thinking of something. He had only ten seconds to think of a great come up. He saw the electrical wiring of the bulb connected to switch on the wall. He removed the bulb and ripped the wiring off the wall. He stripped the end of the wire, exposing the conductive part. He then wrapped it around a metal spoon and he then wrapped the metal spoon on a meter stick. By the time senior’s count was near to ten. He placed the spoon in the gap between the door and the floor. He then turned on the switch. The senior peed on the door but he was so very unfortunate. The senior had his genitalia electrocuted by that guy’s improvised thing. It is because that urine is a great conductor of electricity and the metal spoon was charged. The guys successfully ditched the senior. And of course, being the unique and the intelligent one, we already knew that this is the guy that the other characters referring to as Rancho.

                Rancho is a very smart and genius man. He was like the modern Albert Einstein with a mind of a coot. His brains are full of philosophical and logical questions. He sees the world in such a very different way. He showed his intelligent side when he questioned the director, Mr. Viru Sahastrabudhhe, regarding the astronaut’s pen. He asked the director why did the astronauts spent millions of dollars creating a pen that will work in zero gravity, instead of using a pencil. Viru was shocked and had his tongue caught by a cat. He was not able to answer it. Rancho just ditched the most-feared human of ICE. Rancho was right. A normal pen would not work in space since there is no gravity there. The ink is a liquid substance which would only float on. That is why the space pen was invented. But using a pencil instead of inventing a space pen could save them millions of dollars. A lot of people who thinks like Rancho. Those people are very curious about complex facts that has a practical alternative. Unlike any students which pursue a degree so they could have a nice job, a credit card, a nice car, and a lot of girls, Rancho studies just for fun. I am not saying in a negative manner. Rancho sees learning a very fun way. He study not because he wants to have a nice car, or to have a lot of girls when he graduate. He study because he wants to learn. Rancho got kicked out of the room by his professor when he tried to simplify the definition of Machine. Now, professors or people would think that Rancho is dumb and stupid. But in reality, Rancho is smart, and his Intellectual Quotient is way beyond the IQ of the others. That is why others can’t understand him. But Rancho has passion for studying. He loves to learn, that is why whenever he gets kicked out of the room, he will just simply slip into another class. Regardless of what level of class it is. But, aside of being smart and genius, Rancho was also a coot. Of course, all men are coots. Rancho has the humor. He joke around as if life is too easy for him, and there are times that his combined wits and humor got them into trouble. He even combined his humor with his teachings. Like when he was brought by Viru in front of the class and demand to teach engineering. He wrote two words, “Farhanitrate” and “Prerajulization”. He tasked them including Viru to search for its definition under thirty seconds. After thirty seconds have passed, no one got the answer. Why? Because, there are such words as “Farhanitrate” and “Prerajulization”. He made up those words using the names of his friends, Farhan and Raju. Viru called it nonsense and ask him if it is how Rancho teaches engineering. Rancho simply replied that it was not his job to teach engineering, but it was a job for the teachers. He only showed them how a professor should teach. He pointed out that this is college, not a pressure cooker. He also distinguished the difference between “well-tamed” and “well-educated” by using a circus lion as an analogy to a college student. Rancho’s words were such a treasure. He sees how college life works. Most of us are pressured because of the tasks that were given to us. Piles and piles of tasks are on your list of things do, and you are pressured how you will sort out these tasks. You fear that you might fail. Rancho used the analogy of a circus lion being well-tamed and relate it to college students. A well-tamed lion will sit upon the command of the circus master whenever the circus master cracks the whip. The people will be amused, praising the lion for its ability to obey the command and the circus master for its courage to teach the lion how to sit. But, if you think of it, the circus master did not actually taught the lion how to sit in the sense the he educated the lion. He cracks his whip just to get the lion to what he what he wants. In that case, the lion was not educated, the lion was afraid of the whip, and that is why it chose to sit down. And I call that taming.

                Rancho is an eye-opener he shares how he sees the things in his eyes. He is a very fine man. It seems that he is the kind of guy who is standing on a pathway to success with no obstacles along the way. He is fight for what he believes in. It is like his advocacy is to simplify all of the things. For example, if you are hungry, then eat. If you love someone, tell them. Just like what he said to Manmohan or also known as MM or Millimeter. Rancho asked if MM have a class. MM replied that he does not have any class cause he is an out of school youth because he does not have money. Rancho said that studying does not need money, it only needs uniform. He gave MM a bunch of money for him to buy a uniform and he advised MM to slip in to classes. If he gets caught, then he will just simply slip in to another school and buy another uniform. Another example is when the three of them were drinking one night, before they broke in to Viru’s house. While they are drinking, it came to Farhan that Rancho is so very calm and confident because he is so smart. He also tell how they rot at the corner of every class photograph while Rancho was sitting beside the Director. Rancho replied and told them why he was always first. The reason is that Rancho loves machines. He loves engineering. It was his passion. He then grabbed Farhan’s bag and poured it all out on the floor. Rancho showed that Farhan made five years ago which was supposed to be sent to Andre Istvan, Farhan’s favorite wildlife photographer. But, was not able to send it cause Farhan was too afraid of his father.  He told Farhan that he should quit engineering and marry wildlife photography, since it was Farhan’s desired passion. Raju then bowed and sarcastically called Rancho as “Your Holiness Guru Ranchoddas”, and asked him why things are not working the same way things worked for Rancho even though he loves engineering and it was also his passion. Rancho simply answered Raju and gave him an explanation. Raju feared the future. He always leave things to God, and he jokingly said that Raju has more rings than fingers. And by that, his fear towards the future affects his studies in the present. I really salute Rancho here, because even if they were drinking and they were intoxicated, Rancho can still see the things clearly. It is very rare to meet someone in real life who is like Rancho. It seems that his character is too perfect and is not possible in real life. That is why, of all the characters in the movie, I chose Rancho as my favorite character. Another that made me like Rancho is when it was revealed that his real name was not Rancho, neither the identity as Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad was his. It was revealed that he was only the son of the gardener of the Chanchad family. He was called as “Chotte” at that time. He loves to study and learn, therefore he slips into the real Ranchoddas Chanchad’s school and study. The real Rancho would leave the work to Chotte, and Chotte would gladly accept them, since it was his passion. Until one day they got caught. The real Rancho’s father told Chotte to continue and finish what he was doing since it was started. Chotte had to carry the name of Ranchoddas until he gets a degree. Then, Chotte revealed near the end that his real name is Phunsuhk Wangdu, a multimillionaire scientist with 400 patents around the world. Can you imagine how crazy was that? Try to imagine it. Phunsuhk Wangdu stripped his name and carried an identity that was not his for many many years. He was so courageous and committed to do that. And the epic part is when he still became a successful person after all what happened.